Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Question Seldom Confronted

Either God Is or He is not... Simple choice. One or the other. Can't have it both ways (although this is what the modern attempt at making all truth relative would have you believe).

Really think about the question before you answer. In fact, let's not answer in words. Let's use a different measurement to answer the question. How about the way we live...? That seems like the most accurate way to determine what we believe. Words...well, they can roll off the tongue and dissovle into nothingness in no time...but actions...well, that's a bit tougher to deny.

The Scripture, as well as nature, reveals a God who is smarter, stronger, and better than we can ever fathom. And yet He is revealed as a God who is present and active in His creation. A God who is concerned with my life. He hears. He protects. He provides. He disciplines. He has a plan that cannot be foiled or compromised. Etc.

So if that God does indeed exist, how would that affect me in my every day life? Certainly I could not journey through a normal day without having some massive repercussions to this reality. And yet, so many of us do just that. We live like the rest of the world. We work like the rest of the world. We dress like the world tells us. We play like the rest of the world.

The reality of God escapes us.

But if we dare answer the question in the affirmative, then that means God does hear and move on my prayers - that means I really can, and should, talk to Him. And if He did come to seek and save the broken, the poor, and the hurting - that might mean that I too should start looking for those same types of people to love on. If He will judge me on that final day - then I might need to start taking account now for every thought, word, and action...making sure they build people up and not tear them down. And if God is my Father, - then I might need to start loving myself more because He created me.

The point is this: actions always stem from what we believe. If your belief is wrong, you're actions will be as well... Or, if your beliefs are not real, the same holds true. Many of us, by our actions, contradict what our mouths confess. And we stay on this course because we seldom, if ever, wrestle with the reality of God - "out of sight, out of mind," we say. But that kind of thinking only lasts for short while. Reality can only be hidden for so long...

So, what's your answer? Is He or isn't He?