Thursday, July 16, 2009

Fighting for Life

"Every day in Tennessee an average of 40 unborn children lose their lives to legal abortion."

Sadly, I believe the church shares in some of the responsibility for these all-too-common murders. We sit by and plead ignorance or knowingly keep it in the realm of out-of-sight-out-of mind. We do nothing to fight for those who cannot fight for be the voice of those who have no voices...

Last night, around 25 Elevate students headed over to the Crisis Pregnancy Resource Center/Tennessee Right to Life to do whatever we could to engage this battle. We swept, washed windows, cleaned refrigerators, vacuumed carpets, dusted shelves, weeded gardens, and more. We served wherever we could. And it was great! It felt...purposeful. Our group was not just doing church... We were being church.

I could not be more proud of our group. They understand that fighting the battle is not always done in the glory of the spotlight. Many times it is in the humility of cleaning a toilet bowl. But that is reality... that is the fight... that brings the victory... and most importantly, God is glorified.

Praise God for a group of young people who are engaging the battle!